Airline - Impetus


We partner with you to enhance traveler journeys, improve operational performance, and revolutionize your airline’s customer experience

Discover how we can help you transform travel customers’ interaction and satisfaction

Process and analyze customer and operational data in real-time to get ‘in the moment’ actionable insights

Realize a 360-degree view of customers to deliver the most relevant, personalized offers

Modernize decision-making processes to navigate uncertainties and stay ahead of the curve

Your data provides new insights every day—make the most of it

We help leading airlines enhance customer experience, build loyalty, and reduce churn

Learn how we’ve empowered some of the world’s biggest airlines

Case Study

We modernized a Fortune 500 US airline’s data platform and reduced passenger wait time

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Case Study

We completed an airline’s critical modernization involving 6 billion transactions

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Explore the possibilities of partnering with us

Choose a lab aligned to your Data & AI journey

Address your desired use case across critical analytic dimensions

  • Explore architecture options with experts

  • Ensure strategic alignment of business and technology

  • Architect an ideal solution for a pressing problem

  • Validate new or refactor existing architecture

  • Develop a prototype with expert guidance

  • Establish a roadmap to production

Move as fast as your data does

Streamline your customers’ travel experience, anticipate changing needs, and equip your airline for the future of travel