Resources - Impetus



Transforming legacy SAS workloads to modern, cloud-native stacks is no longer just a vision but a strategic necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in today’s data-driven landscape.

To facilitate real-time analytics for faster decision-making, analysts need a highly performant environment to run queries on massive datasets in real time. However, increasing volumes of data in the data lake affect the performance of traditional query engines.

Today's healthcare CIOs face the dual challenge of delivering top-tier patient care while managing operational expenses.

Explore different strategies for moving legacy workloads to the cloud. Discover automation best practices...

Create a single source of truth on AWS and enable multiple use cases – all in a few weeks

Create a single source of truth on AWS and enable multiple use cases – all in a few weeks

Discover the critical levers of cloud transformation to realize greater speed, scalability, agility, and cost...

Learn more about our work and how we can support your business